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Volunteer Readers: Record yourself reading aloud to send to your class

Missing your Read Aloud class? We can help! Just record yourself doing your normal read aloud routine, upload it to this Google Drive folder with your name and school in the title, and we’ll put it on our YouTube and Facebook pages for you to share with your teacher. Then your teacher can share the video with parents from your class, so the kids can still see you reading aloud even when they’re at home!

Here are some guidelines to help you make a successful video:

  1. Pick a quiet spot in your home, where your read aloud won’t be interrupted by loud noises or people walking past.
  2. Use the best video camera you can find. This may be your phone, and that’s great! Just be sure to turn it horizontal before you start recording.
  3. Make sure your camera is stable. If you’re having someone else record you, let them rest their arm on a table or the back of a chair so the picture doesn’t wobble.
  4. Follow the rules you normally would for a read aloud session – practice reading the book three times beforehand, use voices (if you are comfortable doing so) to make the story engaging, and show pictures to the camera!

If you have any trouble making or uploading your video, email Amanda at

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