Children’s book author, Pam Miller, from Shepherdstown, West Virginia, visited Madison Elementary in Boone County and Cedar Grove Elementary in Kanawha County on May 9 and 10, 2017. She made multiple presentations in each school, told stories to students and discussed her own writing process. Explaining her stories usually begin with a question she asks herself, Mrs. Miller noted her stories undergo many revisions before they appear in print. Students were encouraged to take the questions they ask themselves and begin writing stories of their own.
Pam, a retired teacher, presents the weekly story time for three to five-year-olds at the Shepherdstown Public Library and at the Shepherdstown Day Care Center and was excited to share her stories with the students at Madison and Cedar Grove. In addition to the visit, Pam and her husband, Lex, also made a donation of $500 per school to Read Aloud for the purchase of books for the schools she visited.
Pam has published works for children ranging in age from four to 11 years old. Farmer McFee was published by MacMillan. Sand and Wrinkles are books for young children published by Scholastic. A portion of Pam’s latest book, Down Chestnut Street won the 2009 West Virginia Writing Contest, children’s category. Her stories have appeared in Ladybug, Turtle and Highlights magazines. Pam is also a two-time winner in the Highlights Fiction Contest and recently joined the Jefferson County Read Aloud board.