Two pupils leaning on a pile of books while reading on touchpad

How Accelerated Reader turned my daughter off books

By Lynn Kessler

I’ve been reading to my daughter, who is now 12, since she was born. She always loved it. At 6 months old, she would sit for long stretches on my lap while we read Go, Dog. Go! and Bear Snores On. Her first full sentence, at 18 months, was “Read Dog Go.” I knew then she was destined to be a great reader.

Through preschool and kindergarten, her reading skills and scores were always above expectations for her age. We snuggled up and read together every night before bed.

When she started first grade and began using the Accelerated Reader (AR) program, she did well on the tests, scored a lot of points, and looked forward to taking tests and receiving rewards and recognition for her achievements.

I recall a conversation around this time with a friend in education who was not a fan of AR. The program, she said, was detrimental to the intrinsic motivation that is critical to develop lifelong, avid readers.

“I don’t know,” I responded. “She seems very motivated.”

Cut to the beginning of summer vacation. My 7-year-old is bored.

“Why don’t you read a book?” I suggest.

Then, the reply I never expected: “No way! School is out. I don’t have to read!”

After I collected my jaw and my heart from the floor, I called my AR-averse friend to say, “You were right.”

Accelerated Reader, commonly known as AR, is a computer-based program that seeks to encourage kids to read more independently, improve student comprehension and reading skills, and provide a tool for teachers to evaluate student progress and adjust instruction and interventions accordingly.

Renaissance, the for-profit company that owns and sells AR to schools, says on its website:

“Every student can become their most amazing self and discover a lifelong love of reading with the guidance of an expert teacher. Designed based on years of careful research to help teachers introduce students to the magic of books and reading, Accelerated Reader products are the most widely used K–12 reading practice programs.”

I was not able to find pricing information on the Renaissance website, but my general research found that it can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 a year to implement and maintain the AR program, depending on the size of the school and the package selected.

Renaissance offers plenty of research to support their product, and it seems that the company has attempted to improve upon areas that have received critical feedback. However, there are many literacy experts who feel the program undermines intrinsic motivation and the development of a genuine love of reading.

A report from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) found only two studies that met the agency’s research design standards and evaluated those results. The Institute concluded: “Accelerated Reader was found to have mixed effects on comprehension and no discernible effects on reading fluency for beginning readers.”

The research above focused on measurable academic outcomes — changes for which students can be tested. But what about motivation?

Studies examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have shown that rewarding children for a certain behavior can produce immediate results, but then backfire. After an initial period of improvement, students begin to perceive the activity they are completing for a reward as a chore. It is something to be done so they can move on to something they enjoy.

That research is parallel with my personal experience with Accelerated Reader. I believe that this program — now a part of students’ grade calculations in our elementary and middle school — inflicted significant damage upon the years of success I had in encouraging a love of reading in my daughter.

That does not mean, of course, that this will be the case for every child. My younger daughter, a voracious reader, excelled in the AR program until third grade when she struggled to get enough points. That challenge has continued in fourth grade. It concerns me that the goals set for students by the program, and the requirements for grading, become more difficult just as children reach the critical age in third to fourth grade that is widely acknowledged in education as a make-or-break point for reading skills.

I was a Read Aloud volunteer in my 9-yearold daughter’s class. We finished reading The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it. They were engaged in the story and always excited to recap each week, discuss the book, and read more. They were gratified by the ending. After considerable sorrow and hard times for Ivan and his friends, the kids were delighted that the characters found peace and happiness.

Then they reached for their tablets and asked if they could take the AR test.

Lynn Kessler, former Read Aloud staffer, is a reader, writer, mother of two and a Read Aloud volunteer in Kanawha County.


Are you raising a reader?

The more time we spend reading to the babies and children in our lives, the better their young brains organize themselves, forming networks essential to learning to read around age 6.

Dr. John Hutton can see it in their brain scans.

The more we pacify babies and children with screens, even supposedly educational apps, the more screen time short circuits essential connections that the brain is primed to develop in the first years of life.

He can see that, too.

A pediatrician at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and “spokes doctor” for the national campaign, Read Aloud 15 Minutes, Hutton presented some of his findings to doctors and educators at Marshall University in October at an event sponsored by Marshall’s June Harless Center for Rural Educational Research and Development.

“Why does this matter to pediatricians?” he asked. “Reading we know is a major public health concern. It is considered a social determinant of health.”

First, some background

Human brains are born ready to do certain things, such as see and speak.

“But out of the box, there’s not an actual network in the brain that automatically knows how to read. We have to make it,” Hutton said.

Human beings do this by using brain networks that evolved for other things. So, as parents talk and sing with babies, their language networks are stimulated.

“This tends to happen in a predictable sequence,” Hutton said. As parents show picture books to babies and toddlers, other brain networks are engaged – vision, attention and executive function, for example.

“All these areas need to be stimulated during early childhood. The more you stimulate them, the more they form networks to work together. The more you stimulate them, the stronger they get.

“If all that goes well, that’s how this emerging literacy process is fueled,” he said.

Long before the ABCs

Emerging literacy is a collection of skills – how to read, background knowledge, and attitude, Hutton said.

The how-to includes how a book works.

Turning pages. We read from left to right. Children learn these details years before it is time to learn ABCs or to sound out words.

As children listen to books, look at pictures and converse with others, they build up a store of words and ideas. Later, when it is time to “learn to read,” children draw on those words, matching them to words they are learning to decode in school.

Children who hear and learn fewer words during their first four years do not read as easily as children with more words.

And then there is attitude.

“This is the underrated part,” Hutton said. “Do I like to read? Did I grow up in a home that valued reading? Is reading fun? Or is reading more of a chore?

“That’s one of the challenges we have, to really reinforce the idea that reading is something that should be seen as a fun and nurturing and positive thing, not just something that is all about how you are going to do on the test later.”

The brain, on books

Earlier surveys counting books and reading time, for example, showed that children who spent more time with books from an early age had better readings skills and scores. But could you observe a physiological difference?

Hutton and colleagues did MRI scans on healthy preschoolers. They scanned brains while children listened to stories, and again when they heard random noises.

“What we found was there was a difference,” he said. In children who had been read to more, there was more activity, including in the part of the brain associated with vision. Doctors think that is the child’s imagination.

“It’s pretty amazing,” he said. “Kids who have more practice, more experience with books and reading, have more ability to activate the part of the brain that’s involved in imagining what’s going on in the story and then understanding what it means.”

“This is pretty exciting. It’s really the first study to show reading early on makes a difference in how their brains function,” he said.

Quality counts

So, the number and frequency of books is important. What about quality of the experience?

Hutton’s team watched parents read to children and scored the range of their behaviors. Some read in a monotone. Some made sound effects and involved children. One even looked at a phone while reading.

They scanned children’s brains and found that children of parents who read more interactively, where children had turns at talking about the story, had more activity in both the back and front of the brain. These areas are associated with imagination, chronology, expressive language, and understanding emotions.

Parents, teachers and doctors have long observed that kids who interact more with stories have stronger language skills. Hutton’s research corroborates that observation.

“More interactive reading experience leads to stronger activation in the part of the brain that’s involved in knowing how to talk,” he said. “And also integrating what they hear in the story with how they feel about it.

“It really is a pretty powerful parallel with what behavioral research has shown in terms of the benefits of interactive reading.”

Lost in a good book

Was there a difference in the brains of children who were visibly engrossed in a book compared to those who weren’t?


Kids who showed greater interest in the story had more activation in the cerebellum, a rear section associated with helping the whole brain learn new things.

“We call it a storytime turbocharger for learning,” Hutton said. Children who were most interested were probably more likely to be learning something. He could see their brains doing it.

“We should be coaching families to get kids involved in the story, sharing the process, to talk about it, to ask questions,” he said.

Goldilocks effect

Then they looked at brains receiving stories in different formats – audio only, an animated story app, and a traditional picture book. They evaluated how much the different parts of the brain were working together.

Small children who listened to audio only without pictures had much less network activity. There were no pictures to help with unfamiliar words.

“Too cold,” Hutton said.

When children looked at the same story animated, there was a lot of activity associated with visual processing, but little else.

“All the sudden the networks stopped talking to each other. “When animation happens, there is a 37 percent drop-off in cooperation between these networks. The imagination part is less needed, so there is more focus on the visual processing part.

“When you animate a story, it short circuits the child’s imagination.”

“Too hot,” Hutton said.

The old-fashioned picture book?

“When you put pictures with the audio, there is greater cooperation among parts of brain,” he said.

“It was just right.”

But wait, there’s more

“Books are also a way to learn about feelings,” Hutton said.

“It’s a way to really exchange emotions with a child, from promoting early experiences of nurturing and feeling cared for to relating to what characters in books are feeling.

“This is how kids learn a lot of these feelings. They are able to put themselves into the minds of other characters.”

Social and emotional maturity is also a predictor of school success. Learning to think about the world from another’s point of view helps.

“All those things involve practice, and they start early,” Hutton said.

“That’s another real benefit of reading with a child. You’re not only building their vocabulary but also their ability to process their feelings and to put themselves in other people’s shoes. I think that’s another benefit that may be underrecognized.”

NAEP scores

Shortly after Hutton’s visit, the National Assessment of Educational Progress released its 2019 scores. West Virginia fourth graders dropped four points in reading to 213 on the 500-point scale. The national average is 240. No one was surprised.

Read Aloud West Virginia sees three main reasons. Poverty interferes with children’s learning and exacerbates other problems, and West Virginia children are disproportionately poor. Opioid addiction has killed parents and destroyed families, further harming children and their ability to learn. And then there is screen time.

In another study, Hutton said, most parents were reading to their infants frequently, and 34 percent read once or twice a week.

But at two months, 68 percent of babies were watching TV regularly, and TV time turned into hours, not minutes.

Read Aloud 15 Minutes surveyed parents and found that reading to children every day dropped between 2018 and 2016, with the biggest drops among kids ages 6 to 8.

“I would argue that kids at this age still need to be read to,” Hutton said. “Even if they can read, the content of the book leads to lots of questions, lots of things the parent can really talk to them about.”

West Virginia teachers have been telling Read Aloud that they are seeing more language delays among children entering school in recent years.

The state Department of Education reports 2,122 children had an identified developmental delay in 2018, up 9 percent from 1,946 children in 2013.

‘Neurons that fire together wire together.’

Then in November, Dr. Hutton’s latest research appeared in the journal JAMAPediatrics.

He studied preschoolers who were exposed to more digital media than the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends. Those guidelines include no digital media before age 2 except for video chatting and no more than an hour of high-quality children’s programming a day for ages 2 to 5.

This time, scans showed brains exposed to more screen time were associated with less of the desirable fat coating of nerve cell connectors – a process called myelinization. Myelin is what makes the brain’s white matter white. It insulates nerve cells and makes them more efficient at signalling each other, like the insulation on electrical wires.

There is an old adage in neuroscience, Dr. Hutton said: “Neurons that fire together wire together.”

“The more these areas are encouraged to talk to one another, whether language areas or executive function, the more that coating of the wires is stimulated,” Dr. Hutton told the New York Times. “The amount of myelin around a nerve fiber is directly related to how often it’s stimulated, how often it’s used.”

Possibly, he said, kids with more screen time have less myelinization of networks important for language and literacy because the screens crowd out other things that are shown to stimulate healthy brain development.

Back in Huntington, Hutton told doctors and educators that the number of books, the frequency, the quality of reading and the format are all important to children’s brain development.

“I would interpret this as saying you need books, you need to read them pretty often, read them interactively, and as boring as possible in terms of the format. Boring being straight up picture books.

“I really would argue there’s not a better invention. We haven’t invented a better mousetrap at that age if we want to stimulate brain networks to develop in the most strong and functional way.”

Impact: Volunteers, educators gather to help WV children succeed

By Bethany Kinder and Dawn Miller

Daily read aloud puts children almost a year ahead of children who are not read to every day, literacy specialist Christy Schwartz told a room full of Read Aloud West Virginia volunteers at their fifth annual conference in July.

Schwartz works for the state Department of Education’s Campaign for Grade Level Reading. She and her colleagues support county school systems and teachers to ensure children are reading on grade level by third grade. They focus on school readiness, attendance,  learning opportunities outside of school and high-quality instruction.

“I’m really excited by all the connections and the way that our work corresponds with one another,” she told representatives from local Read Aloud chapters meeting at Stonewall Resort July 23 and 24.

Read Aloud leaders were there to connect and share ideas and inspiration for the coming school year. This annual summit has proven to be an invaluable gathering for the organization and its local groups.

Volunteer readers and school coordinators gathered for Read Aloud West Virginia’s annual conference in July to organize, learn about research, build programs and share enthusiasm.

Schwartz reminded volunteers of the need they fill.

West Virginia has high rates of poverty, and years of research confirm that poverty is a risk factor for many problems, including poor school readiness. Education researchers have zeroed in on oral language skills.

“It is the foundation for literacy,” Schwartz said.


Library Commission show to feature Read Aloud during week of Oct. 1, 2018

The West Virginia Library Commission will feature Read Aloud West Virginia’s work on a program that will air during the first week of October on Channel 17 for Suddenlink customers in Kanawha and Putnam counties.

“Libraries Today” airs regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.; on Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:30 a.m.; and Saturdays at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The video will also be available on the Library Commission’s YouTube Channel.

Read Aloud Boone County goes LIVE!

By Sara Busse

Unbeknownst to him, WOWK weatherman Spencer Adkins inspired a new delivery system for Read Aloud of Boone County. By embracing technology, Chapter President Jennifer Griffith is spreading Read Aloud throughout the county with enthusiasm and passion.

“I was on Facebook and saw Spencer Adkins go live with an update about a storm.” She joined the conversation. “When I did, I saw the interaction between me, him and others… people typing in, asking questions… he would read them and say their names with a reply. I thought, ‘How neat is that?!’ I sent a question to see if the storm would hit Madison. He said, ‘Jennifer, it looks like it will hit in about ten minutes down the Boone line.’ From that day on, I would see journalists and others ‘go live’ and thought, ‘How could I incorporate that into my Read Aloud?’”

Griffith went live on Facebook, reading children’s favorite books. She promoted the Tuesday night Facebook readings to parents and children. Authors joined in live discussions. And it was a hit!

Griffith knew that most homes have a computer, iPad or iPhone, all of which have links to social media.

“My goal was to get parents involved as well as the kids. Having it at night, I hoped to draw a larger crowd, that parents and grandparents would sit with their child, watch and engage, just as I did with Spencer!”

The story time ran through June and July. Parents would comment as the story progressed. Griffith’s expressive delivery guaranteed many responses from parents. They would message her, saying how excited their child was when Griffith called him or her by name.

“I would give a ‘shout out’ to the kids when I saw their posts. ‘Hey Bobby, are you ready for Storytime? We have a great book to read tonight.’

Griffith said one great thing about Facebook Live is that it stays on the Facebook page and those who missed it can view at a later time.

Griffith, a former teacher in the Boone County school system and current piano teacher who now works with WVU Physicians, has been encouraging reading in her community for many years. She created a program called “Skyhawk Read Aloud” that involved high school football players reading to elementary students. Book drives at football games, Read to My Pet Day and other initiatives have helped promote reading in the county, as well.

Visit Read Aloud WV-Boone County on Facebook to see Griffith’s videos and to stay updated on the exciting events in the county.

BUZZ: New Read Aloud video a call to action

By Sara Busse

Although one goal of Read Aloud is to limit screen time, a new video produced by West Virginia State University’s Extension Service is creating a buzz about reading aloud across West Virginia.

Lynn Kessler, director of communications and development for RAWV, said the group needed a tool to spread its message. A conversation with West Virginia State University extension agent and Summers County Read Aloud coordinator Stacy Ford at the Read Aloud summer conference led to a collaboration between RAWV and WVSU.

“Matt Browning and Megan Sheets in West Virginia State University’s communications and media departments took it and ran. They were such an incredible help to us in creating a tool that we could not have created without them,” Kessler explained.

Browning and Sheets, both graduates of WVSU and self-proclaimed “total book nerds,” described the video as a call to action to recruit volunteer readers.

Browning and Sheets filmed readers in Summers and Kanawha county, as well as “b-roll” footage featuring extension agents in the library and reading to children. The video was an in-kind donation to Read Aloud, and Sheets said it’s the first time they were able to branch out and do work for another entity besides the University.

The video also features an interview with Read Aloud Executive Director Mary Kay Bond.

“She came to our studio on campus, and she’s like a brochure for Read Aloud in person,” Sheets said, laughing. “She was great.”

Browning said the readers and children were very comfortable in front of the camera because they were engrossed in the reading.

“There was one gentleman, he was an absolute hoot!” he said. “The reader had so much fun with those kids, and they were having so much fun, it made it easy.”

What happens when you read to children?

What happens when you read to children?

It hardly seems possible that something so low-tech, so enjoyable, could actually boost children’s grades, test scores and lifetime achievement. But it does. When you simply enjoy books with the children in your life, a lot of things happen:

1. Children learn new words and ideas.
Without even realizing it, children of any age absorb great new words and more understanding of the world around them. Then, when they read on their own, whether for school or for fun, children recognize words they encounter, and the text has meaning. That’s why it is important to start reading to children from birth.

TIP: Prolong conversations with children, even small ones. Engage them in describing what they see or what they have done in a day. Books are great for this.

LINK: Make yours a read aloud home — 10 things parents should know.

2. Children increase their own reading comprehension.
Reading is more than sounding out words and pronouncing them quickly, like items on a shopping list. The words in each sentence relate to all the others to produce meaning and sensation. Some children – even those who can look at tough new words and pronounce them correctly – do not readily draw meaning from the text. You see this when children know all the words in a story, and they’re paying attention, but they don’t get the joke, or they don’t sense when the end of a story is near. Children who regularly listen to stories they enjoy tend to develop good reading comprehension.

TIP: Pause to discuss when your child wants to talk about the action in a story. Encourage children to predict what will happen next, but don’t quiz. This reading time is just for fun.

LINK: More about reading comprehension from Reading Rockets.

3. You share your passion with children.
We talk about reading stories, and that often means fiction – novels, chapter books, many picture books. But any kind of reading that you can enjoy with a child will work. If you love basketball or history or travel, non-fiction (true) books may be your best friend. Magazine or newspasper articles and biographies that you enjoyed are all good choices to share. Read what interests you and the child. Children’s author Jon Scieszka (rhymes with fresca) has observed that boys in particular respond to funny books, disgusting imagery and stories about real people.

TIP: If you have trouble getting a child interested in books, go to the library and ask for books about anything that interests you both — bugs, Star Wars, horses, basketball, Egyptian mummies. Browsing the pictures and reading what interests you counts.

LINK: Jon Scieszka’s Guys Read website is full of recommendations for all ages.

4. Children become readers themselves.
Parents find that if they make time for just 20 minutes of read aloud most days of the week, children grow to like it so much they ask for more. Then they ask to read the book on their own, or they want to look for other books. Children who read for fun do better in school and have higher test scores than children who do not read for pleasure. They also write better, have better vocabularies, know grammar, spell better, read faster, know more about literature, know more about science and social studies, have more cultural literacy, have more practical knowledge, get better grades in writing classes and have less anxiety about writing. Students who read regularly also do better on the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

TIP: Make a regular trip to your public library to check out and return books. Whether once a week or once a month, the habit will pay off.

LINKS: The National Assessment for Educational Progress (this one is from 2011) surveyed students and found higher test scores were associated with children who reported reading for pleasure more frequently.

“The Power of Reading” by Stephen D. Krashen documents other benefits of reading aloud with children.

5. You share your values with children.
While sharing stories, even funny or silly stories, sometimes children raise questions. These questions can lead to discussions of right and wrong, sportsmanship, courtesy, friendship, discrimination or other weighty subjects. Children – even older children – naturally look to parents and then to other adults around them for their opinions and judgment. It may not be obvious in the moment, but reading aloud regularly creates opportunities for parents to stay informed and be influential in a child’s life.

6. You nurture children’s health and well-being into adulthood.
Children who read for fun generally read better on their own and do better in school and on tests than children who do not read for pleasure. Children who thrive in school tend to go further, not only to finish high school, but to college or other post-secondary education and beyond. More education is associated with better employment opportunities and higher earnings throughout life. People of higher income tend to enjoy healthier lives. People who read well are better able to look after their health needs.

7. You give yourself a welcome interlude in the day.
Reading has been shown to cause relaxation and may help you fall asleep. Older people who continue to read show less memory loss and suffer fewer effects of dementia. When adults make time to read to children for the children’s benefit, adults often discover that they themselves feel richer and stimulated by the experience, and they miss it when their reading time is interrupted.